Powering Human Experience

Matt Wright - Renault Australie

Ray Poynter
12 novembre 2020
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In this Podcast, Ray Poynter (Chief Research Officer at Potentiate) interviews Matt Wright (Aftersales & Quality Director at Renault Australia) about the future of insights, as part of the Powering Human Experience series of interviews being conducted and hosted by Potentiate.

Écoutez l'interview ici :

Résumé du podcast

The Australian auto market is very competitive, with nearly 60 brands competing for about one million vehicle sales in a typical year. Renault Australia can leverage the scale of being part of a global auto giant, whilst at the same time being a growing, challenger brand in Australia.

Insights are a massive part of Renault’s business, from the product planning phase through to the user experience. The Australian auto industry is perhaps one of the most heavily surveyed in the world, including at manufacturer level and through syndicated research. Renault is “hunting for insights at every touchpoint” and “almost having too much insight”; the need is to get “the right quality of information for the right point of the customer journey”. One of the big challenges is being able to digest all the insights.

One interesting learning from 2020 is that some of the best ever customer satisfaction scores have occurred during the lockdowns. This seems to be linked to the extra effort and processes being delivered by dealer teams. The drivers of satisfaction change when circumstances change, so brands need to adjust to reflect what is needed.

Looking at the next two to three years, a key challenge will be how to prioritise, with reduced budgets, increased needs, and a changing picture. For example, how to balance tactical and long-term issues. One Renault approach to this is the mantra of ‘quality as a culture’ – taking a holistic view of quality, to pre-empt potential problems before they happen. An example of this process is identifying key words that, when used by a customer, raise a red flag in ways that facilitate rapid action. The next challenge is about systems integration. For example, a survey response raises a red flag and somebody working in a workshop 400km away gets useful information about the customer they are dealing with.

If Potentiate could wave a magic wand and give Matt three wishes, they would be:

1. Data from more people, hearing from closer to 100% of customers.
2. The ability to talk to more customers, one-to-one.
3. To find out the next big thing to drive loyalty and retention – Renault’s ultimate goal is re-purchase.

Note: this is a brief summary of a 26-minute interview. Please listen to the full recording to benefit from the thoughts and experiences shared by Matt Wright.

About Matt Wright | Aftersales & Quality Director, Renault Australia


While I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up, I know that I’m definitely a car guy. I’ve spent over 15 years in the Australian automotive industry and loved every minute. From salesperson, to factory line worker to working closely with Dealers, I’ve worked across major global OEM brands and developed an immense passion for customers. Currently responsible for a team of very experienced Aftersales operators at Renault Australia, I’m passionate about quality – from product quality, to customer experience and brand perception, all true marks of an overall quality viewpoint. Customer voice is my biggest driver and I relish the chance to find new ways to ensure that voice is heard across the business.

Contact us today to find out how you can create exceptional human experiences.

*Veuillez noter que Platform One était auparavant connu sous le nom de Potentiate.