Communiqué de presse

Henry Cheang Appointed as Adjunct Fellow at Macquarie University’s School of Computing

Jodie Roberts
September 10, 2024
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Henry Cheang, Founder and Chairman of Platform One, has been appointed as an Adjunct Fellow at Macquarie University’s School of Computing within the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Henry is also a Fellow of The Research Society.

Henry Cheang is a serial entrepreneur driven by a passion for leveraging advanced technologies to propel businesses forward, a passion he continues to bring to his leadership role at Platform One. His expertise spans augmented intelligence, artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, and machine learning systems.  He has brought these skills to life through the successful businesses he has founded over the years.  

Commenting on his appointment, Henry said, "I am honoured to join Macquarie University as an Adjunct Fellow. I look forward to working with the School of Computing to explore new frontiers in technology and to contribute to the development of future leaders in this exciting field."

With a proven track record in commercialising emerging technologies, Henry’s forward-thinking approach aligns seamlessly with Macquarie University's mission to foster transformative learning and engage with business leaders to stimulate, drive and nurture innovation. Henry’s role and commitment to Platform One remains unchanged.

Écrit par

Jodie Roberts

Jodie Roberts est la directrice de la communication et du développement client chez Potentiate. Elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec les clients qui intègrent des programmes de voix du client dans leurs activités, et se consacre à fournir des conseils sur la manière d'améliorer continuellement l'expérience client. Contactez-nous pour une démonstration en direct des programmes de voix du client de Potentiate ou contactez directement Jodie à l'adresse