Potentiate renforce son expertise en matière de recherche avec la nomination de Melissa DeVincentis

Jodie Roberts
March 19, 2021
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Potentiate, a global Human Experience (‘HX’) company, is delighted to announce the appointment of leading research practitioner Melissa DeVincentis as Head of Research for Potentiate Australia.

Mel thrives on navigating clients through stage and gate processes efficiently and strategically and has a rigorous customer-centric focus on innovation.

Mel’s research and cross-category expertise is extensive, including 15 years designing, facilitating, interpreting and leading the delivery of quantitative, qualitative and sensory research for a wide variety of leading brands.

Jo O’Connor, Managing Director for Potentiate Australia says “Mel is a perfect fit for Potentiate and our commitment to research innovation that creates real business impact and value for our clients.  Mel’s expertise, enthusiasm for leadership and relentless focus on producing meaningful insight, will be a huge asset as we strengthen our research credentials”.

Mel adds, “I have a passionate curiosity about human behaviour and how these insights are incorporated into products, brands and experiences for commercial impact. I’m equally as passionate about empowering people to reach their full potential – as individuals, and united as a focused, driven and enthusiastic team”.

Mel is based in Melbourne and will work closely with the teams across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane as well as our Chief Research Officer, Ray Poynter based in the UK.

À propos de Potentiate

Potentiate, a GRIT Top 50 Most Innovative company, is a global Human Experience (‘HX’) – helping clients fulfil their potential by understanding their customers as real people, not just data points.

Potentiate believes in service not just software. We combine research excellence with technology-inspired solutions. Our SwaS (Solutions with a Service) approach means you can tap into our talented team of insight consultants, technologists & data scientists, to help find the right solutions to solve your business challenges and drive positive outcomes.


Press contact:

Jodie Roberts | jodie.roberts@potentiate.com

Écrit par

Jodie Roberts

Jodie Roberts est la directrice de la communication et du développement client chez Potentiate. Elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec les clients qui intègrent des programmes de voix du client dans leurs activités, et se consacre à fournir des conseils sur la manière d'améliorer continuellement l'expérience client. Contactez-nous pour une démonstration en direct des programmes de voix du client de Potentiate ou contactez directement Jodie à l'adresse jodie.roberts@potentiate.com.

*Veuillez noter que Platform One était auparavant connu sous le nom de Potentiate.