Quelles entreprises sont réellement en contact avec leurs clients ?

Expérience client

Quelles entreprises sont réellement en contact avec leurs clients ?

Jodie Roberts
Jodie Roberts
August 17, 2023
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When did you last have a truly personalised customer experience? What did they do to make you feel special? Did they remember your name? Did they ask about your needs? Did they provide a recommendation that was perfectly suited for you?

Connecting with your customer on a 1 to 1 level is not just a nice to do, it’s a need to do for any brand wanting to achieve Customer Experience excellence.

And when it comes to defining your strategy it’s great to look at the market leaders in this space.

The Lexus creed is to ‘treat every customer like a guest in their own home’. Lexus exceed at providing high quality attention and care at every level.

The Ritz Carlton drive a ‘Radar on and antenna up’ concept where staff are trained in understanding the ‘unexpressed’ needs of customers.

And of course Amazon, with their ability to make highly relevant recommendations for things you may like based on your purchasing and browsing history.

These examples show the power both humans and technology can have for creating personalised experiences for your customers.

What can you do to make your customers feel truly special and valued? If personalisation is not already a priority, now is the time.

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